It is all too common for systems to be built based on assumptions regarding availability, leading inevitably either to inappropriate expense, or applications that perform worse than desired. 很普遍的做法是系统构建在假定的可用性上面,这不可避免地导致不合适的花费或应用程序工作得比预期的要差。
We will combine Chinese people's interests with the common interests of people of other countries, fully accommodate legitimate concerns and lawful rights and interests of other countries while upholding our own interests, and never pursue our own interests at the expense of those of others. 我们将把本国人民的利益同世界各国人民的共同利益结合起来,在实现本国利益的同时,充分照顾他国正当关切和合法权益,绝不做损人利己、以邻为壑的事情。
The researchers wrote that it was common for male chief executives to 'claim a firms resources for themselves and their growing family, at the expense of their employees'. 研究者写道,对于男性老板而言,宣称他们需要牺牲员工的利益来为自己和自己逐渐壮大的家庭谋福利是非常常见的。
Policymakers need the intellectual honesty and common sense to examine where existing innovation policies subsidise more traditional and more proprietary approaches at the expense of user-driven innovation. 决策者们需要理性诚实和常识,检查现有创新政策在哪些地方补贴了更为传统、更为专有的创新方式,损害了用户推动型创新。
Oil leakage in circling water systems is a common problem in petrochemical industry, which has caused great expense. 石化工业循环水系统中油料泄漏是一个普遍存在的问题,由此造成的经济损失巨大。
Results The patients 'QOL were worse than that of the common crowd, and their family relations, expense payment ability, complication, originally diseases were correlative with their QOL. 结果HD患者的QOL的各维度得分显著低于一般人群,家庭关系、费用支付能力、并发症、原发病与患者的QOL有显著关联性。
Hot Money has swarmed into our country in large scale through the common project, capital project and underground native bank, which increased the unbalance of the international income and expense, and made great influence on our stock market and estate market. 热钱通过经常项目、资本项目和地下钱庄等渠道大量涌入中国,增加了国际收支不平衡,对我国股市、楼市甚至国民经济产生了很大影响。